June 30th, 2008
Hello and welcome.
Lights Out San Francisco started in 2007 as citywide energy conservation and awareness campaign that culminated in a public event held on the night of October 20th. Citizens and the city of San Francisco were encouraged to turn out all non-essential lighting for one hour. As the movement grew in San Francisco other state and nation-wide cities formed sister organizations and on the 20th, several cities joined with San Francisco to turn out the lights.
Lights Out is now embarking on phase two - a new energy awareness campaign focused on downtown San Francisco commercial buildings. Phase two encourages downtown buildings to turn out their non-essential lights and appliances every night making San Francisco the first dark skyline in the country.
October 24th, 2007

Again, Lights Out San Francisco was a huge success, thanks to all of you! We’d also like to extend a special thank you to the photographers who took some amazing before and after photos for us.
If you liked what you saw in Dolores Park last Saturday, check out what else Teacher with the Bus has to offer.
Building off of all the positive responses we’ve received from folks across the country and even around the world, we’re moving forward with Lights Out America. Please join us in taking it to the next level by participating in Lights Out America on March 29th, 2008!
October 21st, 2007
A big thanks to all who participated in Lights Out last night! We are especially grateful to Jens-Peter Jungclaussen the Teacher With The Bus and all of our volunteers who made the event a great success. We had a good time in Dolores Park, and we hope that you had some fun in the dark too.
Here are some photos from before and during the event at Dolores (click to see enlarged image):
October 20th, 2007

Ok this is very cool…our friends at Google have “turned out the lights” on their homepage for users in the Bay Area. I can see it but some friends are not seeing it yet. It may take some time for the page to find its way to all the local servers? They have written a special page for us as well: http://www.google.com/lightsoutsf/
Thanks Google!
October 20th, 2007
Turn off your lights from 8-9pm and do one of the following, or think up your own way to make good things happen in the dark!
-Treat yourself (and someone else) to a candlelight dinner at one of our participating restaurants.
-Help us out by taking photos and emailing them to pictures@lightsoutsf.org.

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October 20th, 2007
Yet another signal of support from our fearless leader in Sacramento. Governor Schwarzenegger shares his support for Lights Out San Francisco. He calls it an “illuminating” event!
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October 20th, 2007
We just learned that our very own, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi issued a statement in support of Lights Out. Thanks very much for the support…
Pelosi Statement on Lights Out San Francisco
Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement regarding Lights Out San Francisco, a city-wide conservation event in which organizers are inviting the entire San Francisco community to install one compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) and turn off all non-essential lighting from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.:
“Climate change presents a challenge to the survival of our planet. While there is an urgent need for decisive action to address climate change and greenhouse gas reduction nationally and globally, we must act locally as well.
“Solutions to the climate crisis must be as local as our neighborhoods and as global as the planet. By taking part in Lights Out San Francisco, each resident will be taking a positive step towards reducing green house gases emissions on a local level.
“Thank you to the visionary organizers of Lights Out San Francisco and to the many businesses, residents and visitors who will participate in turning out the lights in San Francisco and helping to reduce the energy consumption in our city.”
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October 20th, 2007
This just in.
Our good friends at Craigslist posted a link from their homepages in San Francisco and LA. Thanks guys…this will definitely help raise awareness of our event and save energy.
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October 19th, 2007

A big thanks to Raymond, Ryan and their friends at Holy Name School! They helped us pass out CFLs and information about LOSF at their elementary school. You guys have been a great help!

October 19th, 2007
Evidence of global warming is made quite apparent by the disappearance of ice in the Arctic. Today, the New York Times ran an article demonstrating these effects: “New Coast Guard Task in Arctic’s Warming Seas.
For more information on the effects of climate change take a look at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Arctic Report Card, which “indicate[s] that the overall warming of the Arctic system continued in 2007.”